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Aug 31, 2010

The Secrets of the Universe

So far, school is tough this year. Didn't the summer seem to go too fast? Summer was good, if not a tad boring. Why does every internship not want to work with a school schedule? At least I kept my Xbox busy. After fixing the RRoD for the third time, it runs great! At least Arctic Silver is relatively cheap. Aside from the family drama, which I can't get enough of, my life was pretty quiet until Fall semester showed up. I'll keep the ranting to a minimum from now on. I know you love it, KadyBug. My one lonely follower.

If you need a good beating, my Physics homework can help you with that.

This year, I'm learning the secrets of the universe (or so my Physics teacher says). Why is this important? Why is school itself so important? (Rant Warning!)

I hear a lot of complaints about school. While some reside in my head, I hear a multitude around campus. It amazes me that so many people are taking it so lightly. For those of us who have to pay out of pocket for school, it sickens me. I know I've fallen into the trap too, but c'mon. This stuff is expensive, and you're becoming a better person for it. Yeah math is tough, but it prepares you for an easier life. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to be over qualified.

I've been guilty of it too, don't worry. Sometimes coding or physics homework is like pulling teeth, but it's truly necessary for learning and preparing you for your future career.

The world is full of knowledge. I think it's worth it just to understand small bits of it.

Aug 23, 2010

Refer to Nike's Slogan

Look, I know I'm a miniature human being. Maybe I wasn't before this summer, but I'm sure miniature now. It's not so bad. Have you ever been to an antique shop and tried on any vintage shirts?

I've been hearing a lot of excuses lately, and it's making my head start to catch on fire. Usually this doesn't happen until school starts. This is not good. I've heard a lot about weight loss lately also. Not only have I made excuses about not doing my homework, I've made excuses about losing weight for 15+ years. Life isn't fun being the fat kid, I promise. If you've even thought about losing weight, I ask you this? What the heck is your problem?! Why don't you just do it?! Harsh words? Maybe a little, but at least let me try to explain my thought process. I know a few people who are "big and proud." I don't believe you. I've been up there with the biggest, and I've tried that mindset before. I'm not sure how you can be "big and proud" and still have all the health/clothing/ride seat/airline seat problems. I should have started this change years ago, and I have no idea why I never did.

If you're thinking about losing weight, I commend you. Do you know the secret? Just do it. If I can do it, a lazy, miniature human being, you can too. Save your money for more important things than magic weight loss pills, HCG scams, and other rubbish. There's no secret other than hard work. Maybe society has lost this little bit of information, I don't know. Unless you just do it, life may start to pass you by like mine did for almost 20 years. Life is loads easier when you're in shape. I know this already, and I'm not even done.

Ask for help! If you're nervous, I can help! I've lost around 65 pounds with nothing but hard work, so I think I know what I'm talking about. If you have questions, drop me a line on Facebook, or a comment on my blog.

End of line.

Aug 17, 2010

Here's the Deal

Okay, internet, let me break it down for you. People are lazy (Present company included). Sometimes this laziness crosses the line. Humans have survived for Millennia doing what humans do. My whole life I've been fat and lazy. Do I have an excuse? I don't think so. What's so wrong with hard work? I've made several promises to myself over the course of a soul-searching summer, and have come up with some goals that might do humanity good.

We shouldn't be so lazy, for one thing. Why is it that we think we have a right to coast by in life? I've heard far too many stories of people giving up for one reason or another. C'mon. I've lost almost 65 pounds and haven't needed a single supplement or wacky diet that needed shots. They don't work. I'm sorry to say. "I'm fat. I need a magic pill." "There's no way that can be me. I'm just too different." "I can't succeed because so-and-so is better than me." We all fall into these traps, myself included. I've decided not only to quit bitching, like so many around me are doing, but to grab my life by the horns and make it what I want it to be. I'm done flipping from side-to-side on the couch.

We should be prepared. The smart way. We should be prepared for the unexpected. I learned a lot from the scouting program, which could someday save my life. These things really aren't that hard to do, but could really come in handy someday. I don't think we should be trying to get gold out of rocks or hoarding supplies for Z-Day (although it wouldn't be a bad idea), I'm just saying that I not only need to be spending smartly, but to hone some basic survival skills. My wife and I love to hike in the evenings, and I would love to be prepared should we be stranded up the canyon overnight. Not a bad idea, eh?

It's also handy to know how to use and take care of firearms. I know several people who keep firearms for home defense, but don't know the what's-what of gun safety/maintenance/marksmanship. If you have a gun, take care of the thing and know how to use it! You know who you are.

There's my beef, internet. Make of it what you will.
On a side note, to help combat my laziness, I'll be posting regularly twice a week now. I'm sure a lot of you will find your way here from Facey Space, so drop me a line.

End of line.