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Jan 18, 2010

LFG -> Weight loss buddies.

A New Years Resolutions that my wife and I have set for this year is one that's heard all too common. Lose weight and get into shape.
After looking at pictures of ourselves from various holiday parties, we've realized that we've fallen off the wagon. Big time. Throughout 2010, I'll be giving periodic updates on our progress as part of my blog. Hopefully it'll drag me to Nerdinity more often than I've been updating.....
Since being addicted to The Biggest Loser on NBC and finding blogs such as 344 Pounds, I can see that anything is possible if I can apply myself and nip it in the bud.


During my daily grind of Calculus and Coding, I noticed that my 'Homework Blues' playlist was getting a little stale. Since I've heard of Pandora from just about everybody I knew, I thought I'd give it a try. You might notice the Pandora widget in the sidebar->. I've been listening for a couple hours now and it's surprisingly accurate and appropriate for my picky music tastes. The ads might be a little bit more than jarring if you're into your station, but for a free service, there are a lot less than on The Arrow. If you haven't tried it yet, just go listen for a day. You might be surprised....

Jan 7, 2010


School is beginning again!
Ah school....the sights, smells, stress ulcers. It's all so fun.
This semester shouldn't be so bad though. Ethics and Values is pretty much a write-off class anyway.

Nose to the grindstone.